Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Essay #4

                                                       The Allegory of the Cave
        In the article," The Allegory of the Cave" by Plato represent an extended metaphor that is to contrast the way in which we perceive and believe in what is reality. It's important to remember the two elements to the story; the fictional metaphor of the prisoners, and the philosophical tenets in which said story is supposed to represent,thus presenting us with the allegory itself.

Monday, March 24, 2014

CATW Practice Materials

                                                        Individuals in Groups
          In this article," Individuals in groups" written by Carol Travis tells how people don't care about others. She states.".... in a group observing the same danger, they hold back the reason has more to do with the nature of groups than the nature of individuals because in  this statement people tend to risk their lives for an individual instead of groups.
          I remember when I was in an accident in a school bus. I was inside the bus with the driver, and suddenly I heard an explosion. I realized the bus was hit by a sanitation truck. We began to scream for help. The sanitation truck driver backed up to see what had happened. He asked us if we were okay. We called the bus company, and the police officers for help. People watched from far away. They didn't ask if we were all right or called the police. We did on our own.

         As I stated before, many people watched,but they didn't ask or helped us. The police officers asked people if they saw anything. No one stepped up to say anything. Ms Travis stated that of it was an individual, people would have helped or show concerns towards this incident. I have realized if I was alone, maybe some one would have helped me during the accident. Again, it is sad that people showed no concern toward the accident.

         According to the article, the individual will get more attention than the group. I have experienced it and realized how people can react on a group and individually. Psychologists call this "diffusion of responsibility" or "social loafing" affect our society. It is important that we see how nature takes affect in individuals in groups.

       In conclusion Carol Travis explains how nature affects groups and individuals. Again, I explain my situation after getting into an accident, people saw what had happened, but no one came to help me or the bus driver. Also, I have seen how an individual was hit by a car and every one near and far came to help him.
       Nature plays a major role in society. Individual will get quick attention. As for groups, the attention will be given later or not at all.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Essay # 2

          This article was about when people watch or see commercials on T.V, and advertisements on public places which can effect their brains. I agree that it will effect because many different things that were on advertisement will stick to your brain and confuse easily.
North America plays too many commercials on T.V. and radio. Many Americans watch and hear those million commercials. That is how they get brain damages and feel different. They sees many commercials and ads, there's many of them that they would want such as Pepsi, Coke, sneakers, and clothes. Then they feel confused since they want more than ten things and can pollute their brains.
  Advertisement can be shown anywhere. Subway, Bus station, Gas station, mall, everywhere. Anywhere you go there is advertisement. There is no way you can avoid the ads. No matter where you go theirs ads and commercials.
People shouldn't really pay attention to ads or commercial. They can just listen to music and ignore them. Ads are not really important for us.
When I was younger, I used to watch a lot of commercials. Because of a lot of ads that I would like to own, I always beg my parents to buy those items that was on the commercial. But since they always say no, I have been wanting them and wanting them. And they I couldn't control myself and get stressed out. So I decide to start ignoring ads. But sometimes I get into some ads that I would like to have.

Essay #3

               In this article of I know the truth , so don't brother me with facts." Jeffrey Kluger. He states," human have long been duped, easily deceived by rumors and flat-out lies" this states that people to believe lies instead of the truth. According to R. Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet, assistant professors of communication at Ohio States University they found out two troubling conclusion: 1) " it is easy it to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures of inflammatory quotes.  2) even in the best of circumstances, fewer than a third of people were willing to reverse their position, regardless of the contradictory evidence they were given.
             On  reason , people believed the  Islamic cultural center would be placed at Ground Zero.  Many believed the rumor of the mosque being built there. Not everyone believed that the mosque would benefit the community. As far various religious leaders, many did not agree with the mosque being built at Ground Zero, and many of the family members also didn't agree for the building of the mosque.

          The second reason is that people were made to believe that the mosque would benefit the community. An Imam that was  trying to get or make proposals for the center used words that made people second guess their belief and opinions of building the mosque at Ground Zero. It is manipulative approach brought people to confusion. He used words that made people think twice about the mosque.

         In conclusion Kluger's expect, I Know the Truth, so Don't Bother Me with Facts" explains how human behavior have been easily deceived. People prefer to believe lies instead of the truth. People allow them selves to be manipulated and even are willing to change the opinion or ideas because of what they were  told or explain.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Essay # 3 Summary

In the article of I know the truth, so don't brother me with facts."  Jeffrey Kluger states that people all know the truth, but they rather than trust rumor was presented perfectly instead of trusting the truth they knew. It depends on what the fact we have in  our mind .In the quote of this article, the author also says what was happening in the planned mosque at Ground Zero.  He uses that data from the researchers at Ohio State University to prove how humans have long been dupes, easily deceived by rumors and flat-out lies.