Monday, March 17, 2014

Essay #3

               In this article of I know the truth , so don't brother me with facts." Jeffrey Kluger. He states," human have long been duped, easily deceived by rumors and flat-out lies" this states that people to believe lies instead of the truth. According to R. Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet, assistant professors of communication at Ohio States University they found out two troubling conclusion: 1) " it is easy it to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures of inflammatory quotes.  2) even in the best of circumstances, fewer than a third of people were willing to reverse their position, regardless of the contradictory evidence they were given.
             On  reason , people believed the  Islamic cultural center would be placed at Ground Zero.  Many believed the rumor of the mosque being built there. Not everyone believed that the mosque would benefit the community. As far various religious leaders, many did not agree with the mosque being built at Ground Zero, and many of the family members also didn't agree for the building of the mosque.

          The second reason is that people were made to believe that the mosque would benefit the community. An Imam that was  trying to get or make proposals for the center used words that made people second guess their belief and opinions of building the mosque at Ground Zero. It is manipulative approach brought people to confusion. He used words that made people think twice about the mosque.

         In conclusion Kluger's expect, I Know the Truth, so Don't Bother Me with Facts" explains how human behavior have been easily deceived. People prefer to believe lies instead of the truth. People allow them selves to be manipulated and even are willing to change the opinion or ideas because of what they were  told or explain.  


  1. Hi Sandra,

    Try to work on introducing a quote, do not go off the topic in your examples on paragraph three and proof ready before you finish the essay.

  2. I think you can agree or disagree but you shouldn't agree and disagree in one easy but I'm not sure. you might clear from our professor. I think you develop your points very well but suggest to stay in one side.
